The New Standard in online payments

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increased conversion for retailers who use Pay2M Checkout.
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mobile conversion improvement with Pay2M Checkout can be as high as 80%.
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We implemented global practices and our vast experience enabled us to achieve highest card

Welcome to Pay2M

PAY2M Checkout comes with everything you need to create the best online shopping experience for your customers. Reduce steps in the checkout, accept all forms of payment – including cards and alternative payment methods – and identify returning customers.

Boost your Business

With Secure and Convenient mode of payments, customer are highly likely to return, users can shop on-the-go from the comfort of their sofa.

Highest Approval Rate

Highest Approval Rate

Our Approval rate is currently best in the market as we implemented industry best practices for uptake of approval rates, we have pool of industry professionals.

Lowest Charges

Lowest Charges

Our pricing model is flexible and it’s exactly as per your business needs, we believe in Pay as you grow. We have low setup fee, low transactional fee.

Customer loyalty

Customer loyalty

Exceeding the customer’s expectations will increase both satisfaction and the number of happy, returning customers. Our 24/7 customer support.

Minimize the risk

Minimize the risk

You take care of business; we take care of security. PAY2M is PCI-DSS and PA-DSS compliant and we have implemented international best practices.

Own the Checkout

Own the Checkout

PAY2M Checkout is built to match your brand and you can adjust the design so that it fits seamlessly into your webshop. Your customer will stay on your page.

Ready, steady, and smooth.

Joining forces with PAY2M will make your everyday life easier.


How it works

By offering our complete online checkout solution, you make it easy for your customers to shop how they prefer, often with a single-click. With a simpler buying process.



Pay2M checkout is available through many e-commerce platforms and can be integrated directly to your site if you so wish. The service is integrated in such a way that Pay2M can make automatic updates to it.



Pay2M Checkout is pre-integrated to most e-commerce platforms.The easy setup is straightforward and it won’t be long.



Here you will find the integration guides, API documentation for those wanting to integrate directly with our systems.